

Water Cooled Modular Chiller

Water Cooled Modular Chiller

Petra water cooled modular chillers feature new levels of compactness, reliability, redundancy, efficiency and serviceability and are available in the ranges of 35 kW (10 Tons) – 246 kW (70 Tons) per module. Chiller modules can be combined together up to 16 modules in cooling or heating mode.

In addition to their application in new construction, modular chiller can be considered as a viable alternative for renovation jobs where it is impractical to repair or operate an existing system.

Modular chillers provide advantages such as lower installation costs, operation costs and maintenance costs. In addition to the wide variety of combination that can be utilized with the modular chillers, the possibility of future expansion can be achieved by adding modules.

  • Each module is factory charged with non-ozone depletion R-410a refrigerant, which offers better efficiency and higher capacity.
  • Dual scroll compressors with independent circuits for each module.
  • Stainless steel high efficiency brazed plate heat exchanger.
  • Heavy gauge galvanized steel casing, electrostatic powder paint, 5,000 hr salt spray test.
  • C-channel base prepared for lifting by heavy duty eye- bolts.
  • Wire mesh is added for coil protection.
  • Each module can be isolated by water isolation valves to enable maintenance for other modules for redundancy issues.
  • Available in heat pump and capable to provide hot water up to 54ºC (130ºF) in addition to providing chilled water.
  • Single point power entry is available for multiple module units to make site work easier and less cost.
  • Communication with BMS systems is available (BacNet, Modbus, Lon works).
  • Manual or Automatic Water Isolation Valves.
  • Hot Gas Bypass.
  • Head Pressure Control.
  • Liquid Receiver.
  • Suction Accumulator.
  • Water Differential Pressure Switches.
  • Low sound compressors jackets.
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