

Chilled Water Decorative Wall Mounted Fan Coil Unit

Chilled Water Decorative Wall Mounted Fan Coil Unit

PETRA chilled water decorative wall mounted fan coil units (PWC series) are uniquely designed with an attractive appearance for different applications such as homes, offices and factories.

PETRA focuses on providing the luxury of individual room control -cooling and heating – at a very competitive cost.

The system can be utilized in a wide variety of air-conditioned spaces, using PETRA’s small capacity air-cooled chillers.

PWC can be installed in different zones and operated independently, this achieves better air distribution and control on energy saving, easy installed due to compact size and light weight.

  • Wide range of capacities: from 3.5 kW (1 T.R) to 12.3 kW (3.5 T.R.)
  • Ultra silent
  • Efficient power consumption
  • On-Board Valve Package
  • Maintenance is easy for electrical components, piping and wiring by removing front plastic panel
  • Completely concealed control package that is provided with flexible pipes .
  • Shut-off valves for quick and easy connection to the system’s water supply, return and drainage.
  • Very low power consumption.
  • Efficient filters (plastic washable, carbon electrostatic).
  • 3-way valve and stainless steel flexible hose.
  • Single phase power supply.
  • Electronic control package that includes a room thermostat for cooling and heating, airflow direction control, and a 3-speed fan- Single sloped galvanized steel drain pan, insulated on its underside to prevent condensation.
  • All units are constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel without paint.
  • All units are internally lined with 12.5 mm (0.5 inch) fiberglass insulation for the coil and fan section.
  • Optional communication with BMS
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